Unbroken Athlete

Prevention Performance Recovery

The Unbroken Athlete is a complete athlete, both mind and body, equipped with the tools to persevere the peaks and valleys of being an athlete. 

We are Unbroken Athlete.

The Unbroken Athlete is a complete athlete both mind and body.

Unbroken Athlete (UA) was created by Dr. Catherine Logan, MD and Emily Perrin, LMSW to build comprehensive mental & physical programs for athletes to support and enhance their journey from Prevention to Performance to Recovery.

All The Tools You Need


The Unbroken Athlete is a complete athlete both mind and body, equipped with the tools to work through the peaks and valleys of being an athlete. 

We developed UA to give athletes and their families the mental & physical tools to support.

Prevention Performance Recovery

Resources for every stage of the athlete journey.

Online Programs




UA Speaking &  Consulting


Quadriceps Stretches after ACL Surgery

Jul 22, 2024

How to Choose Your ACL Surgeon?

Jul 15, 2024

Best Nutrition to Recover From Your Workout

Jun 24, 2024